Character Info Izuku Midoriya, affectionately known as Deku, is the heart and soul of My Hero Academia. Born without a quirk in a world full of heroes, Deku inherits the powerful “One For All” from his idol, All Might. Deku’s journey is all about growth,...
There aren’t many recognizable cosplay options as the green-haired Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, for My Hero Academia fans. For those who may not be familiar with the story, Izuku is the main protagonist of the series, born Quirkless but catching the...
Hi, I'm Jalen and I believe costumes aren't just for Halloween. That's why we provide a list of all Anime conventions!
Looking for help putting your costume together? You've come to the right place. We're here to save the day with high-quality costume guides for cosplay heroes everywhere.
Jalen Jenkins
Your Cosplay Hero
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