Shego is a powerful and complicated villain in the Disney animated series Kim Possible. As the trusted sidekick to Dr. Drakken, Shego appears frequently throughout the series and even moonlights as a mercenary for other villains. Though her persona may be...
Are you ready to add a little bit of sass and adventure to your wardrobe? Look no further because I’m about to give you the ultimate guide to becoming the one and only Kim Possible! Kim Possible is the ultimate teenage secret agent, who always manages to save...
In the world of Mario Bros., there are many iconic characters, but there may not be many as immediately recognizable as the Shy Guy, even though they definitely don’t like to be seen. If you are a Mario fan but know there will be a thousand other Marios at the...
In Super Mario Bros lore, Toad is a citizen of the Mushroom Kingdom and an attendant to Princess Peach. He has been a staple in Mario games including as a racer in the Mario Kart series. Fortunately, his costume is very simple and consists of basic articles of...
Elvira, the mistress of all things macabre, has captured the hearts and minds of horror enthusiasts for generations. Her unique blend of horror and camp has solidified her place in pop culture as a true icon of Halloween. And what better way to pay homage to this...
Hi, I'm Jalen and I believe costumes aren't just for Halloween. That's why we provide a list of all Anime conventions!
Looking for help putting your costume together? You've come to the right place. We're here to save the day with high-quality costume guides for cosplay heroes everywhere.
Jalen Jenkins
Your Cosplay Hero
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